Lawyer specialized in corporate law and real estate law in Paris 8

Based in the 8th district of Paris, our law firm has developed expertise in all issues related to corporate law, real estate law, international relations law, business criminal law, and criminal law.

Whether you are in Paris or in its region, our firm can handle your cases. We welcome you in our offices from Monday to Friday from 9:30 am to 8:30 pm for all types of requests.

  • Accompaniement
  • Transparency
  • Reactivity
  • Availablity
  • Analytical mind
  • Confidence

Our law firm specialized in corporate law in Paris 8 proposes you its expertise

Our lawyers are members of the Paris Bar and have extensive experience in various fields.

The founder of our firm is an associate professor at the Faculty of Law of Paris, holds a master's degree in strategy and management of international business from ESSEC (a French a renowned business school), and a master's degree in business and international negotiation from ISTEC (a French Graduate School of Business and Marketing).

We have a 90% success rate on cases handled.

Whether you are a victim or a defendant, we will put our skills, our reactivity, and our great availability at your service.


Our core business is to assist companies in difficulty

Are you the director of a company that is experiencing financial or legal difficulties? Whether the difficulties are recent or more ancient, our law firm will advise you on the best strategy to adopt.

We will help you make the right choices and take the right steps to protect your interests and those of your company.

We are also able to inform you about all the procedures at your disposal (safeguard procedure, judicial recovery, judicial liquidation), which are often poorly mastered by company managers.

Whether you wish to declare a suspension of payments and whether you are ready to ensure the continuity of the company's activity, we will be at your disposal.

French and international successions

French and international successions

Our law firm proposes you its advice and expertise in matters of inheritance law, whether your property and assets are in France or abroad. In the most classic cases, the deceased person resided in France (and his/her heirs too) and the assets were located on French territory. Our lawyers will guide you towards the procedures to be carried out according to your specific case.

In more complex situations where the estate is international, our firm is also able to analyze the estate and respect the laws of the concerned countries. If one of your relatives died abroad but his or her assets are still present in France, we will be able to provide you personalized advice and present you the different options available to you. With or without a will, our lawyers who are competent in French and international successions in Paris 8 will be able to answer your questions.

Criminal business law

Qualified in cases corporate assets’ misuse and personal bankruptcy, our law firm based in Paris 8 will be able to defend you, whether you are the accused manager or the person representing the company. What are the characteristics of this type of case? What are the recourses? And what sanctions are to be feared?

Our business criminal lawyers will put all their skills to work for you. We handle cases from cities in the Paris region such as Meudon, Suresnes, Courbevoie, Neuilly-sur-Seine, or Levallois-Perret.

Our firm intervenes in criminal law in Paris 8

Criminal law is one of the most fundamental rights in France. It governs actions contrary to the law and the sanctions applicable to contraventions, misdemeanors, and crimes. Competent in fraud repression, our law firm will guide you throughout the procedure, whether you are a victim or an accused. Whether it is a question of deception or falsification, we can defend you in our office based in Paris 8.

We are also mobile in the provinces, in very particular cases. Do not hesitate to contact us.

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